Saturday, August 15, 2009

Beth Dies (And Then Comes Back to Life!)

Everyone is getting along SO happily! YEAH!
Uh oh! Beth forgot all of her lifeguarding skills!
Thankfully Angela was there to safely swim her to shore!
She checked for that tiny little heart beat, screaming "Come back to us, Bethy! Come back to us! Willy can't grow up without knowing Grandma Beth!"

Brave Angela gives her mouth to we all wait in suspense!

...and the peasants rejoiced!

Erin checks for other injuries...

...and Bethy is JUST fine! All important parts are there!

Beth soaks up the joy of just being alive.


  1. LOL! Fabulous! Glad you're safe Bethykins! :o) One question... why do you wear your slippers in the pool?

  2. That was great! Thanks for saving me Angela! I would have drowned for sure if you weren't there. And thanks for checking to make sure all the important parts were there, Steiny.
