Saturday, August 15, 2009

Beth Dies (And Then Comes Back to Life!)

Everyone is getting along SO happily! YEAH!
Uh oh! Beth forgot all of her lifeguarding skills!
Thankfully Angela was there to safely swim her to shore!
She checked for that tiny little heart beat, screaming "Come back to us, Bethy! Come back to us! Willy can't grow up without knowing Grandma Beth!"

Brave Angela gives her mouth to we all wait in suspense!

...and the peasants rejoiced!

Erin checks for other injuries...

...and Bethy is JUST fine! All important parts are there!

Beth soaks up the joy of just being alive.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Beth Goes to the Zoo

Beth Strong Goes to the Milwaukee County Zoo on Free Day
Beth gets a little friendly with Aurora, and I don't think Aurora is amused.

Beth hangs with the penguins.

Aurora still isn't diggin' the fact that Beth's along for the ride. Beth however, seems to love Aurora. Who couldn't?

Well, even if no one else loves her, these kids seem to like her. They're just her size!

Beth says, "Eeeewwww!" They're picking each other's butts! Well, if it's okay for them..."

"...then I can get into a little mischief, too. Tickle, tickle!"

"Pull the tail!"
Beth takes a break to test her strength. Her grip doesn't even register on the scale. Sad strong. :(
Maybe playing with this one wouldn't be a good idea, Beth.
You might want to leave this guy alone, too... Good thing he's not looking.
Ah, lounging with the Kangaroos. Reminiscent of Australia, no? "They're so beautiful!"

Beth decides to encourage her strong-legged friends to jump. Hopefully, she doesn't get shot like that one kangaroo from the movie... Luckily, the new moon-boots Jenny bought her help her to soar super-high.
AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! Who will rescue Beth from a certain perilous death?!
Beth decides to pose prettily outside the wolf pen. Not sure whom she's trying to impress...

If she was trying to impress Aurora, it looks like it's still not working. Nothing like baby-grip on your hair. Ouch.

Beth, maybe if it looked like you were trying to ride the giraffe it would be funny, but it doesn't, so it's not. Funny.
Now we really know how short Beth Strong is. She barely comes up to the tummy of the miniature horse!
Beth gets depressed and eats butter pecan custard. Mmmm....
Beth is full.
Beth slips into a sugar coma that restricts her touring Miller Brewing. I hope she's better for the trip to Washington, D.C.!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


...for an update for those of you who are curious, Beth is currently somewhere between South Dakota and Alaska. Also, she is in China. Stay continued for more postings!

Beth meets Pablo Part 1

Beth meets Pablo Part 2

More Seattle!

Jenny had to share a bed with Beth...

To prove she was there...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Seattle Adventures

Visiting Nicky in Seattle...
...and helping her get ready for her big day!

For unto us a Beth is born...

October 2008, MSP Airport